Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week 4 EOC: Stallions not Unicorns

With my degree, I plan on being involved with something either in music or sports. Those are the two things I am most passionate about, and the two things that I enjoy the most. Along with that, the job I get must provide mw with enough money to support me and my family, along with spare money or take my family on special trips every now and then. I would also enjoy traveling the world, so a job that lets me travel would be enjoyable. "One of the best strategies for growing a sports or entertainment business is to consider international marketing—marketing a product in another country. Making the product or service desirable to international consumers takes knowledge of the cultural and language differences. It’s also important to understand pricing based on the country’s local currency." (Ch.4 pg.102). Sports is one of my biggest passions along with music, so an opportunity to be involved with professional sports would be like a dream. "International sporting events help bring people around the world closer together. They give athletes a chance to compete on the same playing field and under the same rules agreed upon by all of the teams and players involved." (Ch.4 pg.94). I also want to be abke to be myself and spread my culture and beliefs with that I do. While following company policy, I want to be abke to freely express myself. "Culture is defined as the shared history, beliefs, customs, and traditions of a group of people that distinguish them from another group. Specific sports, music, dancing, entertainment, and celebrations can be considered part of the culture of a group of people. As travel and worldwide communication have become more accessible, people have had opportunities to see and hear the wealth of talent from around the globe." (Ch.4 Pg.107).

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Week 3 EOC: Sporting Events Safety

"Security is the second level of the hierarchy—individuals want both physical safety and economic security. " (Ch.2 Pg.40) Safety is an important part of all sporting and entertainment events. Without the feeling of safety, a lot of customers will not show up. One way to make sporting events safer is to add more security. More security ensures there's more people making sure nothing goes wrong, and more eyes to watch out for any potential problems. There should also be more training for employees on safety. The more trained in safety the employees are, the safer the event may be to attend. If they are more trained, then not only will they be safer, but they'll also be better adept at spotting any potential danger. "Employees who are not properly trained to perform their jobs, or who have a negative attitude about work, can create financial and safety risks. If food service employees at a game do not follow safety standards for washing their hands, many risks are involved. Fans may become ill, the reputation of the stadium and the team may suffer, and the business may have to pay for medical services for fans." (Ch.3 Pg.76) Finally, there should be several plans in place in case anything goes wrong. There should be a safety plan for every scenario, so if anything goes wrong, the customers who attended the event will still be able to either safely stay or safely leave, whichever is necessary. "Initial planning for an event starts with the hiring of an experienced, trained safety coordinator and an event safety team. To ensure they have resources available to handle a large event, the safety team should contact public service agencies, such as emergency management, law enforcement, fire and rescue, utility companies, and medical facilities." (Ch.3 Pg.78) The more plans, the more security and the more trained everyone is, the safer the events are bound to be.

Week 3 EOC: Academy Awards

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/24/movies/oscar-nominations-2017.html?_r=0 “But the academy also moved past two #OscarsSoWhite years by honoring six black actors — a record — and including diverse films like ‘Moonlight,’ ‘Fences’ and ‘Hidden Figures’ in the best picture race.”
http://www.latimes.com/projects/la-et-oscars-nominations-2017/ “In sharp contrast to the last two Oscar seasons, this year non-white nominees made the list in every major acting and directing category. The uptick in diversity comes two years after the #OscarsSoWhite movement began and a year after the Academy pledged to double women and non-white members”
http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/news/5-things-we-learned-from-oscars-2017-nominations-w462652 “Frankly, it was an embarrassment that last year's slate of major acting nominees had not a single black face among them, especially in a time so rich with talent of all colors. The Academy had no intention of repeating that faux pas this year, however.” This year the Academy Awards managed to move past years of being predominately white and having people of color get multiple nominations. In a time like this, with the president that was just elected and the amount of backlash the Academy Awards have come under in recent years, it was only right that they began to fix things. The consensus in the Academy is that this is just the beginning of the process to become more diverse and relate to everyone in america, instead of being mostly made of Caucasians. While this is better then previous years, and the Academy has certainly made steps towards improving and diversifying, there is always room for improvement.

Week 1 EOC: Voice

All my life, marketing, advertising, and promoting things has always been my biggest interest. I've ventured out and tried different things, but I always end up marketing whatever I like in some way, and the marketing aspect is usually the best part for me. I am still open to different options, but I would prefer to promote things more on the entertainment industry side of things. That field has always interested me much more then just being a manager of some fast food restaurant, retail store, or grocery store. I prefer to chase the bigger opportunities with bigger rewards, and I will rarely settle for what's being given to me. My goal is to always get better and to continuously become more successful then I was the day before, whether that is in the entertainment industry or in another large market. Marketing has always peaked my interest and I've always wanted to be good at this subject, it is a major component to being a good businessman and managing a successful business. I'm always chasing better things, and when there's an opportunity to further my education and my skills, I'm going to go after that opportunity. I have a strong motivation to be successful.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week 2 EOC: Deeper Meaning of Swingers

Swingers is more a story of people's career, not just a story about one man's friends helping him get over his ex while chasing their dream. While it looks like they're all just trying to pick up girls and party, which they also try to do, they are primarily making connections that will help further their careers. The main character spends most of the time trying to get over his ex, but him being stuck on his ex–girlfriend hinders his ability to make connections while all of his friends are out making these connections to further their careers. The movie appears to be about a guy getting over his ex, partying, getting girls, and just a really bad love story. The truth is a good insight into how I should be moving forward with my career. Everything I do should be based around getting more connections to further my career, always meeting new people and gaining connections who could benefit me either immediately or in the future. Almost nothing they did in the movie didn't further their careers in some type of way. Those were mostly undertones that you wouldn't notice unless you were paying attention, and some people probably thought it was just a movie about a guy getting over his ex by partying in Los Angeles and trying to get rich. The people who were really paying attention, however, knew it was a story about motivation, finding any way to move forward with your career, and doing everything with the people you love getting rich with you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Week 1 EOC: My 5 Key Strengths

  1. I am confident in myself and my abilities to succeed.
  2. I am determined to have a successful future, and there’s nothing I’ll allow to stop me from reaching my goal.
  3. I’m creative in the ways I solve my problems, and in the ways I challenge myself to be even better.
  4. I am a fast thinker whenever a problem arises, or in critical situations where making fast decisions is necessary.
  5. I am generally a very positive person, there isn't much that can ruin my mood.